domingo, 26 de junio de 2016


El pasado jueves 23 de Junio se entregaron en el IES San Telmo de Jerez de la Frontera los diplomas a los centros educativos que obtuvieron Convivencia Positiva en el pasado curso 2014-15.

En el citado acto, que fue presidido por el Secretario General de Educación y Formación Profesional, la Directora General de Participación y Equidad, el Delegado Territorial, la Concejala de Educación del Ayto de Jerez de la Frontera, se presentó como ejemplo de buenas prácticas nuestro Proyecto de Innovación Educativa: "La integración a través del deporte y el inglés".

Además de proyectarse los montajes de vídeo explicativos,  fueron los propios alumnos y alumnas los que presentaron y valoraron el proyecto ante el público asistente. 

Si quieres ver más fotos ve a la Galería de Imágenes o pincha en el siguiente enlace:

domingo, 5 de junio de 2016


Aquí os dejamos un enlace de un prezi sobre CRICKET realizado por el alumno Alberto Abucha (3º ESO).

viernes, 3 de junio de 2016


Terry Duffy was born in Oxford, England, on 18th June 1958. He is married with a Spanish woman, is father of two children and lives in Jerez de la Frontera from 2000.
As an ex semi-professional cricketer, we are here today to interview him:

-JONATHAN: Nice to meet you, Terry.

-TERRY: Thank you, nice to meet you too.

-J.: When did you start playing cricket?

-T.: At school, but to be honest, we used to play in the streets when we were 4 or 5 years old. And then, in the school, I was chosen to play for my school Cricket teams until I left school at sixteen.

-J.: What happened next?

-T.: I joined the Royal Navy and within a few months I was playing for HMS Dolphin and two years later our team had won the Royal Navy Championship for cricket.

-J.: Obviously, you enjoyed playing this game. Did you continue playing?

-T.: Subsequently, I left the Navy and then, I joined Horsepath Cricket Club, in Oxfordshire, that it was a semi-professional team. And for a number of years, we were quite sucessful.
Due to work commitments, I could no longer continue as my work requirements changed a lot.

-J.: That was a pity! But it was good while it lasted.
Thank you very much for your time and for sharing your experience in cricket with us.

Jonathan Gómez Calle